Aaron Tay

  1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (2000)
  2. Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedic Surgery) (2009)

Shoulder, Elbow & Knee Surgery

Aaron is a Specialist Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Knee Orthopaedic Surgeon with a caring and dedicated approach to his patients.

Aaron was born in Singapore and grew up in Perth, attending school, university and working at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital before moving to NSW to commence Orthopaedic surgical training.

On completing his Orthopaedic degree, he worked overseas in several countries. In France, he worked with internationally recognised Sub-Speciality Shoulder Surgeons in Rennes and Lyon, performing arthroscopic shoulder procedures and joint replacement surgery. In Canada, with a specialised Shoulder, Elbow & Knee Orthopaedic Clinic, working with the professional ice hockey and football teams.

Aaron Tay

In 2011, Aaron returned with his international experience to Perth, taking up an appointment at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and beginning practice at Hollywood Orthopaedic Group.

At the University of Western Australia, he holds a Senior Lecturer position and is involved in anatomy teaching, running courses and laboratory sessions.

Today Aaron continues to work at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital as the Head of Department, providing an upper limb, knee and general trauma service to the public. He has a special interest in the difficult reconstructions of the shoulder and elbow. He is actively involved in the training of Orthopaedic Surgeons and is the past Director of Orthopaedic Training at this location and is the Supervisor of the SCGH Upper Limb and Trauma Fellowship which attracts international applicants.

Privately, Aaron brings his local, interstate and international experience in a friendly, caring and approachable manner to his patients. He consults out the Hollywood Orthopaedic Group and operates at Hollywood Hospital.


Shoulder Surgery
Elbow Surgery
Knee Surgery
Hand & Wrist Surgery

Biography + Affiliations

  • University of Western Australia

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (2000)
  • Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Ortho) (2009)

  • Upper Limb and Sport Medicine Fellowship.
  • Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Clinic, Perth, Australia. 2009
  • Shoulder Arthroscopic and Arthroplasty Fellowship.
  • Centre Hospitalier Prive Saint-Grégoire, Rennes, France. 2010
  • Orthopaedic Sport Medicine & Upper Extremity Reconstruction Fellowship
  • Pan Am Clinic Winnipeg, Canada. 2010

  • Medical Board of Australia – General Registration

  • Fellowship trained in Shoulder, Elbow & Knee Surgery.

  • Australian Orthopaedic Association
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  • Arthroscopic Association of North America
  • Australian Medical Association

  • Director of Training Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (AOA), 2015-2018

  • Arthroscopic autologous chondrocyte implantation in the glenohumeral joint: a case report”
    JR Ebert, Ph.D.; M Fallon; M H Zheng; A Tay
    Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 27(10), e300-307,  Oct 2018, doi: 10.1016/uj.jse.2018.06.013
  • Do psychological factors predict outcome of shoulder surgery?”
    A Thorpe, PB O’Sullivan, T Mitchell, M Hurworth, J Spencer, G Booth, FRACS; S Goebel, P Khoo, A Tay, A Smith
    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 476(10), 2062-2073, Oct 2018, doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000389
  • “Osteotomy of Malunited Greater Tuberosity – a Case Report”
    Banarji BH, Oberoi IPS, Aaron Tay, Phillipe Collin
    J Ortho Case Reports 2012:2(1): 18-20
  • “A 10 Year Radiological Comparison of Two All Polyethylene Glenoid Component Designs – A Prospective Trial.”
    P Collin, A Tay, B Melis, P Boileau, G Walch
    Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 20(8),1217-1223, Dec 2011, doi:10.1016/j.jse.2011.06.012
  • “Irreparable spontaneous deltoid rupture in rotator cuff arthropathy: the use of a reverse total shoulder replacement.”
    Aaron K.L. Tay, Philippe Collin
    Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 20,e5-e8, Oct 2011, doi:10.1016/j.jse.2011.03.013
  • “Complications associated with treatment of the multiple ligament injured (dislocated) knee.”
    A Tay, P MacDonald
    Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 19(2):153-61 June 2011, doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e31820e6e43

“Suprascapular Nerve; Does Neuropathy exist with Massive Rotator Cuff Tears? A prospective Electromyography Study.”
P Collin, A Tay, L Favard
Presented at American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting 7th Feb 2012

Practice Location

  • Hollywood Private Hospital
  • Bethesda Hospital

  • Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital/Osborne Park Hospital – Head of Department Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Osborne Park Hospital
  • Hedland Health Campus
  • Nickol Bay Hospital