Andrew Wallis

  1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  2. Graduate Diploma of Applied Anatomy
  3. Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedic Surgery)
  4. Fellow of the Australian Orthopaedic Association

Hip & Knee Surgery, Sports & Trauma Surgery, Paediatric Orthopaedics

Mr Wallis was raised in Perth and following completion of high school, studied Medicine at the University of Western Australia prior to undertaking and completing his orthopaedic surgical training.

On completion of his surgical training, Mr Wallis  provided Locum Consultant services to Bunbury Regional Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus. It was following this that he embarked on his overseas fellowship training.  

Andrew Wallis

His first was undertaken at UniSports under the tutelage of Mr Stuart Walsh, Mr Michael Rosenfelt, Professor Bruce Twaddle and Mr Jeremy Stanley in Auckland, New Zealand, undergoing specialised training in soft tissue and joint preservation surgery. Mr Wallis was part of the UniSports team treating both national and international athletes including Olympic athletes, the All Blacks, Auckland Warriors, Auckland Blues, men’s and women’ Rugby 7s teams, the Touch Blacks and the Northern Mystics.

This was followed by a Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics in Auckland at New Zealand’s flagship paediatric facility, Starship Children’s Hospital. This included a wide range of paediatric issues including hip dysplasia and adolescent soft tissue knee disorders.

Prior to returning to Perth, Mr Wallis  undertook a number of observerships in Switzerland and the United States of America. He attended the Kantonsspital Baseland, Switzerland focusing on arthroplasty and trauma surgery before time at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Centre in Baltimore, USA, Harbor-UCLA in Los Angeles, USA and the HOAG Institute in Irvine California, USA.

On his return to Australia, Mr Wallis joined the team at Hollywood Orthopaedic Group. Here he offers consultations in addition to private operating lists at Hollywood Private Hospital. Additionally, Mr Wallis has a satellite clinic at Joondalup Health Campus where he can offer private consultations, private and public operating in addition to being part of the trauma team.

Mr Wallis has a special interest in sports surgery, offering soft tissue and joint preservation surgery to athletes of all levels and ages (knees and shoulders). Additionally, he specialises in conditions of the hip and knee with a particular focus on joint replacement for arthritis including robotic replacement surgery. He offers trauma services to both adults and paediatrics and has an interest in lower limb paediatric orthopaedics.


Hip Surgery
Knee Surgery
Sports Injury and Trauma
Paediatric Orthopaedics
Shoulder Surgery

Biography + Affiliations

  • Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Arthroscopic Knee, Shoulder and Ankle Surgery
  • Lower Limb Paediatric Surgery
  • Sport Surgery
  • Adult and Paediatric Trauma Surgery
  • General Paediatric Orthopaedics

  • Hip Replacement Surgery (Posterior Approach and MAKO Robotic Surgery)
  • Knee Replacement Surgery (including MAKO Robotic Surgery)
  • Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
  • Sporting Knee Injuries
  • Ligamentous Knee Reconstruction
  • Nonsurgical Management of Osteoarthritis
  • Trauma Surgery

  • Patellar Instability and Dislocation
  • Sporting Knee Injuries
  • Ligamentous Knee Reconstruction
  • Paediatric Trauma

  • MBBS Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
  • Graduate Diploma of Applied Anatomy
  • FRACS Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedics)
  • Fellow of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (FaOrthA)

  • Orthopaedic Fellowship, Starship Children’s Hospital, Auckland New Zealand
  • Orthopaedic Fellowship, Unisports Sports Medicine, Auckland New Zealand
  • Orthopaedic Observer, Kantonsspital Baseland, Basel, Switzerland
  • Orthopaedic Observer, HOAG Hospital, Irvine, California USA
  • Orthopaedic Observer, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Centre, Baltimore, Maryland USA
  • Orthopaedic Observer, Harbor/UCLA Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California USA

  • Australian Medical Association
  • Medical Defence Association of Western Australia
  • Royal Australian College of Surgeons
  • Australian Orthopaedic Association

  • Measure up or Mind the Gap: The effect of Technique on Femoral Component Rotation (Wallis AR, Kuster MS, Bucher T, Sloan K)
  • Oral: Australian Orthopaedic Association (Western Australia) Annual Scientific Meeting, August 2015, Perth, WA
  • A New Technique in Revision Hip Arthroplasty for Vancouver B Periprosthetic Fractures (Khan RJK, McGonagle L, Wallis AR, Sidhu AS, Fick DP, Nivbrant NB)
  • Oral: Australian Orthopaedic Association (Western Australia) Annual Scientific Meeting, 27-28 August 2010, Perth, WA
  • Poster: British Hip Society meeting, March 2013
  • Published: Tech Orthop 2015;30: 49-53
  • Chronic Hamstring Origin Pain Syndrome (CHOPS) in athletes – MRI findings and surgical treatment (Khoo P, Wallis A, Kusma M, Annear P)
  • Oral: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons / Australian Orthopaedic Association State Registrars Scientific Papers Day, 2nd April 2011, Perth WA


Practice Locations

  • Hollywood Orthopaedic Group, Suite 3 Hollywood Medical Centre, 85 Monash Avenue, Nedlands WA 6009
  • Suite 115 Specialist Medical Centre West, Joondalup Health Campus, 103 Shenton Avenue, Joondalup WA 6027

  • Hollywood Private Hospital
  • Joondalup Health Campus

  • Joondalup Health Campus